As a subsidiary of the Global Leadership University, New Century Leadership Secondary School is connected with over 160 universities globally to send its graduates abroad. In the past, our school has managed to send over 4500 students to study abroad, securing over 5 million USD in scholarship funding. Our graduates entered top universities in the world. The foundation for such success over the years is that we have implemented an intensive TOEFL, IELTS and SAT preparation programs for our students after school and as part of the curriculum. All graduates have TOEFL or IELTS or SAT scores upon graduation and we offer them a variety of choices of universities around the world to study.
TOEFL test preparation program
Our school prepares students for the TOEFL test starting from the 10th grade, and the program is based on the content and structure of the test and is led by experienced teachers according to the teaching technology and methods of the NCL school. It provides skills in four skills of language: listening, writing (grammar), reading, and speaking. At the beginning of the training, students are given a diagnostic test to determine their level, taking into account the differences in their English language skills, and developing exercises and tasks that are appropriate for their level of knowledge, from lower to higher levels. Classes are held twice a week for 4 hours, and practice for filling in the answer sheet, exam strategy, counseling, and additional 1-2 hours of discussion are included once every two weeks.
IELTS test preparation program
IELTS preparation courses are taught to students in grades 10-12 by an experienced and skilled teacher from New Century Leadership International School according to an intensive program every year. Within the framework of the program, in order to improve students’ writing, speaking, listening and reading skills according to their specific needs, students take a level test at the beginning of the school year and further develop all English language skills in an effective way. He also works on IELTS test materials from previous years, enriches his vocabulary in a thematic way, improves his speaking and listening skills through conversations with foreign teachers and real-world hearings, writes essays on a variety of topics, and prepares for academic IELTS in many ways.
SAT exam preparation program
The Scholastic Assessment Test (SAT) is the main criterion for admission to undergraduate programs at US universities and colleges. The test is one of the main and auxiliary entrance exams for universities in many countries around the world, including the United States. For example, SAT scores are a big advantage for some Japanese scholarship programs. Our school prepares students for the SAT from the 10th grade onwards, and the program is based on the content and structure of the exam and is led by experienced teachers in accordance with the teaching techniques and methods of the NCL school. It provides skills in four areas of language: writing, reading, and math problems. Classes are held twice a week for 4 hours, and practice for filling in the answer sheet, exam strategy, counseling, and additional 1-2 hours of discussion are included once every two weeks.